At Looms For Lupus, our mission is to eliminate lupus and overlapping conditions related health disparities among racial and ethnic minority populations disproportionately affected by lupus and overlapping conditions such as fibromyalgia and mental health.
En Looms For Lupus, nuestra misión es eliminar el lupus y las disparidades de salud relacionadas con las afecciones superpuestas entre las poblaciones de minorías raciales y étnicas afectadas de manera desproporcionada por el lupus y las afecciones superpuestas como la fibromialgia y la salud mental.
Our primary goal is to provide an environment for education and outreach to Lupus and Fibromyalgia survivors and their family members through multiple avenues such as hands-on workshops, informational clinics, bilingual resources, and psychosomatic support groups for overall physical and mental health.
Nuestro objetivo principal es proporcionar un entorno para la educación y la divulgación a los sobrevivientes de Lupus y sus familiares a través de múltiples vías como talleres prácticos, clínicas informativas, recursos bilingües y grupos de apoyo psicosomático para el bienestar fisico y mental.
Looms For Lupus is a non-profit organization that provides advocacy, awareness, and support to those living with lupus and overlapping conditions their loved ones and caregivers.
We provide bilingual programs, tools, and workshops to empower the individual to take charge of their overall health and that of the community as a whole.
We work in collaboration with like-minded organizations, community partners, patient care facilities, government agencies and all industry stakeholders to ensure continuum of care.
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm PST
Address: 4900 Rivergrade Road, Suite C 110 Irwindale, CA 91706
Mailing Address: 4230 Maine Avenue #906 Baldwin Park, CA 91706
Tel: 626-310-9002